We analyze your data to give you easy to use donor insights & predictions to raise more money for your fundraising campaigns.
Focus on donors most likley to give to your campaign by getting predictions on donation probabilities.
Nurture donors who are likely to give in future campaigns.
We give you easy to understand visualized insights based on your donor data.
And we do it all for you.
Get easy to use insights and predictions to share with your fundraising team to help them exceed campaign goals.
Gather more feedback to assess, improve, and empower your fundraising campaigns with brief yet impactful donor surveys. Get insights for this year and beyond.
Get an invite to our private beta and early adopter benefits.
Unstructured survey comments are evaluated with layers of detail that isolate sentiments, keywords, entities, categorical tags, and more.
ZenSight is sophisticated enough to break down the mixed emotions that are most important for your organization.
Isolate hidden trends and see the deeper meaning behind every comment. The top mentioned entities are also prioritized automatically, so you can see what’s trending and recognize important references in order to adapt and adjust even faster.
We will show you how we take your existig data and generate sample analytics and where possible predictive insights to see what is possible.